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Please note that there are slightly different fees at the Harley Street and Parkside Hospital clinics. At Harley Street the fee structure is set by Phoenix Hospital Group.

To book an appointment please call Harley Street on 0207 636 6765 or Parkside Hospital on 0208 971 8026 or email

Type of Scan 25 Harley St Parkside Hospital
Early Pregnancy: viability, dating or reassurence up to 12 weeks £180.00 £180.00
Early Pregnancy (twins) £220.00 £220.00
Gynaecology: Transvaginal or Transabdominal scan of the pelvis £299.00 £295.00
Gynaecology: 3D ultrasound scan of the pelvis   £300.00 £300.00

Initial gynaecology consultation with Professor Bourne (in person or remotely)

£250.00 £250.00
Follow up gynaecology consultation with Professor Bourne (in person or remotely) £180.00 £180.00
Charge for cervical smear or endometrial biopsy £150.00 £150.00